Thursday, July 06, 2006

And So It Begins

Today I started my new job at the Badger Research Exploitation And Science Technology Stations - BREASTS for short.

I have been assigned to the proto-Badger research laboratory. It's a common misconception that badgers are mammals. They are in fact sentinent rock formations, hacked from the ground in the hinterlands of what you humans know as "Wales". After a few years, in the right conditions - or a microwave... even on a very hot radiator if you're hard pressed - these blocks of badgeranium will "thaw" and become proto badgers, which can then be moulded into one of the various badger types.

Hence, there are no such thing as baby badgers. Those are merely parasitic sock puppets.

We don't know where they come from, we've got the boys in BREASTS tech working on it.

Anyway, I need to stick some more badgeranium in the microwave.


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