Friday, August 18, 2006

Badger Star Galactica


Badgers down here, began out there. There's a lot of compelling evidence to suggest that badgers aren't actually native to this planet at all but rather came from another place entirely outside of normal space-time. Possibly Slough... or the Midwest.

Anyway - there really aren't any other animals that are black are white, are there? Except zebras... or a few types of fish... and bird... and dogs... and cats. Oh and insects, there are lots of insects that are black and white.

Other than those isolated examples, they're pretty much alone in their black and whiteness. A lot of people think they're from Mars but personally, I'm thinking maybe Io or Walmart. Maybe someone went down to Walmart 62,000,000,000 years ago and bought themselves a whole new species.

It would explain why badgers are all so old and why they've evolved to be the perfect badgers.


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