Friday, July 14, 2006

The Real Name Of Caesar's Killer?


Yup - that was the name of the person that killed Caesar. Ironically - with a badger. Of course, they weren't actually called badgers at that time it was only with Caesar's dying words, "Et tu badger." That the badger gained its modern name. Before they were called soebhxo, naturally - that name has been lost to the ages.

A shame really, I feel the modern day badger would feel proud at bringing down the greatest Empire in the world. It's generally accepted that they Caesar was stabbed with a badger... sad that such a gentle beast could be used so brutally.

That couldn't happen at BREASTS - we make sure all our badgers are very blunt.

Not like James Blunt - man, you think the badgers hate Sting? Don't even think about how much they hate that fucking cunt... makes them pretty much like the average person really. One day he'll come to BREASTS... diabolical.

Not a court in the land would convict those badgers.


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