Thursday, October 05, 2006

Badger vs. Super Crab vs. Shoebox

The greatest enemy of the Super Crab - in fact, you might call it an arch-nemesis - after the badger is THE DEADLY SHOEBOX.

Does it contain sandals? Sensible shoes? One of the millions of types of shoes that women secretly fantasise about during sex?

The Super Crab doesn't know and not knowing drives it INSANE. Not that genetically engineered crabs of super crustacean size and strength has led to the creation of a particularly stable breed of crabs.

They destroy shoes, shoeboxes, shoe shops - pretty much everything related to shoes. Except clogs, they like clogs and all other stereotypically Dutch paraphenalia but then who doesn't love massive cheeses?

Ironically - shoe boxes. Mainly due to the fact they're inanimate objects incapable of love or any other emotion.


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